Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Today's Grammar Quiz

Results of the Grammar Quiz

Well, today's quiz results were less than impressive. Each class averaged approximately 24 out of 32 points, which is 66%. And in terms of quizzes in general, this average score is higher than most; however, I'm sure some of you find that number unacceptable.

What I learned is that we need to review the basics as we move forward. Also, we need to go over the nuances of some of the simpler concepts (i.e. FANBOYS and the function of each coordinating conjunction).

I will pass back the quizzes on Thursday. At that point, if you would like to get some of your points back, you can fill out a grade challenge/change form.

Sentences of the Week: Colon lesson

After the quiz, we took notes on colons and many students learned something new about them.

Here is the PowerPoint of today's lesson, in case you missed it: Colon Lesson

If you make it all the way through presentation, you will notice an assignment at the end. It's a challenge, and my intention is that we will work on it in class where I can address all of your questions. There's no need to work on it at home, unless you're a glutton for punishment.

I will put up a blog post tomorrow that details some of the challenges in completing the lesson, so stay tuned.

Keeping up with the blog

I have added a feature on the sidebar (that area to the right of the post) where you can put in your email address and every time I post on the blog it will push an email to you, alerting you that there is an update. Please sign up.

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