Sunday, October 21, 2012

Final Drafts Due Tomorrow!

Your Final Draft of Your Essay is Due Tomorrow!

Don't forget, ladies and gentlemen. Also, remember that I am NOT printing anyone's essay from my printer. If you need it printed from someone at school, then (1) find a more charitable teacher than Frieden, or (2) print it at the library.

Final Considerations

If you have questions about formatting, how to set up a quote, or how to do a works cited page, refer to my previous blog post.

Also, if you are looking for an easy way to do your Works Cited page, then head over to Make sure you select the correct publication.

Students and Their Excuses

Since a few among you will entertain the temptation to concoct some sort of excuse for not bringing your Typed final draft with you to class, here are the most common stories I receive and some advice about what you should do instead.

Excuse # 1: My printer is out of ink (or broken).

My response: You should have been more proactive and emailed the assignment to yourself or saved it to a flash drive. If you were not able to send it to yourself or put it on a flash drive, then you should have brought a note from one of your parents. Now it's late.

Excuse # 2: I don't have an internet connection and didn't get your notices.

My response: Why is the day it's due the first I'm hearing about this? I have been talking about this in class for over a week. Sorry, it's late.

Excuse # 3: I don't have a computer.

My response: See my response to excuse # 2.

Excuse # 4: I stayed at my dad's house over the weekend and  . . . (1) he doesn't have a computer, (2) his computer broke/got a virus, (3) his printer ran out of ink, or (4) my stepmom's a &!+@# and wouldn't get off of Facebook long enough for me to finish my essay.

My response: See my response to excuse # 2. Also, if this were really true, I'm going to need a note from your dad. It's a zero in the grade book until I get that note.

Excuse # 5: My computer crashed in the middle of writing my essay.

My response: Unless you have a note from a parent, all I have to say is, "How convenient."

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