Monday, October 15, 2012

Timed-Write in class tomorrow

Dear ERWC students,

This is just a reminder that you have a timed-write in class tomorrow. I'm sorry. This one sneaked up on me and I was out of the classroom too much last week. Forgive me.

Here are the strategies we discussed in class that should help you with tomorrow's in-class essay:

First, when reading the author's argument...

  1. Underline key words
  2. Circle the author's argument (or thesis)
  3. State to what extent you agree/disagree
(Here's a pic to demonstrate what I'm talking about)

Second, when reading the instructions (the writing prompt)...
  1. Circle the imperative verbs.
    • Number the amount of verbs
    • The total number of verbs indicates how many tasks you need to attend to in your essay
  2. Underline what the verb is telling you what to do.
(Here's a pic to demonstrate what I'm talking about)

Third, jot down a quick plan on the back that includes...
  1. your thesis (or at least a short version of it)
  2. the main points of your essay
    • 1 - 4 words in length
    • Bullet list
(Here's a pic to demonstrate what I'm talking about)

Last, as you are writing, remember that an effective way to balance your tasks is to continually refer back to the text in each paragraph. This is the analogy of the rappeler swinging away from the cliff and coming back to it, just like you need to develop your own opinion while always returning to the argument of the text.

PowerPoint on the rappelling analogy

Note: for some reason, when this PowerPoint converted to a Google Presentation, my repeller's head fell off.  I have no idea where it went.

Good luck tomorrow! Follow these steps and you will do well.

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