Monday, October 22, 2012

Grammar Quiz: Emphasis "Middle Branching"

Grammar Quiz Tomorrow

Paris Hilton is one of the many reasons we have grammar quizzes.

Tomorrow your quiz will have an emphasis on what we've been learning about middle branching.

Terms you need to know for tomorrow include:

  • Appositives
  • Noun
  • Adjective
  • Sentence Structure
    • Simple
    • Compound
    • Complex
    • Compound-complex
  • Coordinating Conjunction (FANBOYS)
  • Subordinating Conjunction (AAAWWUBBIS)
  • Active/Passive Voice
It's not good enough just to know what these terms ARE. You must also know what they DO.

By the way (or, as Barney Stinson would say, "Bee Tee Dub"), your quiz is out of 32 points! That's right, 32 points. It almost sounds like a test...but, it's not. It's a quiz.

Timed Writing Results

If receiving today's timed writing results was less than encouraging, know that you're not alone. I did not grade them, and if i had graded them, I probably would have given some of you different scores. Now, either I'm off or someone else is.

In any event, I encourage you to either (1) challenge your grade or (2) submit a re-write for a grade change.

Here is a link to the grade challenge/change form: Grade Challenge/Change Form

If you accept the grade you have as accurate, but you want to re-write, you are always welcome to do so. here are the conditions for a re-write:

  • You can only re-write for up to a score of four (4)
  • If you scored a four (4), I will allow you to re-write for a five (5)
  • Your re-write MUST be typed, in MLA format
  • You may submit it any time between now and Thanksgiving.


Tomorrow, you do not have to bring your ERWC text to class.

When we have finished taking the quiz, we will trade and grade. After that, we will do another "Sentences of the Week" lesson.

I think I like Grammar quizzes on Tuesdays. We'll do the same thing next week.

See you in class tomorrow!

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