Thursday, February 21, 2013

Code of Conduct Example

Here's the example of the Code of Conduct I created:

Food Code of Conduct in Frieden’s class


Frieden’s class, though seemingly loose in structure, is a place of mutual respect and dignity. The focus is on learning, yes, but there are many particulars that go into creating an environment where authentic learning occurs. Though it’s relaxed most days, Frieden means business and anyone who walks through the door needs to acknowledge this.

One of the ways people let loose is by sharing a meal together. Frieden recognizes that if it’s been a while since their last meal, students can easily get distracted. So food is allowed in the class, but there are certain guidelines. If any class cannot follow these guidelines, then they will lose the privilege of eating during class.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

What's Going On?

Here are the titles of the three sections in this post:
Research Unit on Bullying: Calendar
Here are some other things that are coming up
What does this mean for the grade book? 

In this post I will detail what to expect for the rest of this module along with what's coming up in class. I won't only be talking calendar, but points. Pay attention to all of it because it's crucial.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Where We've Been, Where We Are, and Where We're Going

Bullying Module

Just to be clear, we are still working our way through the bullying module. If you're curious about what the whole thing looks like in the ERWC binder that I have, here: Bullying Module.

I bring this up because I have been getting a lot of blank looks from students today--people who have lost the scope of this project. That's fine, because I doubt that many of you have ever had to complete a project of this scope. I broke it down into parts, which I share below.

Big Picture

Here's what I have envisioned that you would do from the beginning:

  • Get into groups
  • Read/Interpret the prompt & decide upon the focus for your group's Code of Conduct
  • Skim the module's 13 articles, find the top four
  • Closely read those top 4 articles
  • Create research questions
  • Go to library to do extended research (6 articles)
  • Summarize those texts you found
  • Create a Code of Conduct
  • Write and outline for your essay
  • Profile your audience
  • Write a rough draft (six to eight pages in length)
  • Conduct field research
  • Write an Annotated Bibliography
  • Write a final draft (six to eight pages in length)
  • Submit

What We've Done So Far

From the list above, here is what we have already done (the first two weeks back from the break)
  • Get into groups
  • Read/Interpret the prompt & decide upon the focus for your group's Code of Conduct
  • Skim the module's 13 articles, find the top four
  • Closely read those top 4 articles
  • Create research questions
  • Go to library to do extended research (6 articles)
  • Summarize those texts you found

Where We Are (This Week)

From the list in the Big Picture, this is where we are this week (some assignments haven't been given yet)
  • Create a Code of Conduct
  • Write and outline for your essay
  • Profile your audience
  • Begin Writing a rough draft (six to eight pages in length)
Here's the assignment sheet for this week: 4 February -- 8 February 2013.

Where We're Going

At the point that we get back, you will really set to work getting all of this written down in an essay.
  • Finish writing your rough draft 
  • Conduct field research
  • Write an Annotated Bibliography
  • Write a final draft (six to eight pages in length)
  • Submit

Make-up Vocab and Modifier Quiz

Whoops! I forgot to mention that one. How about we move that to Thursday. I already have it written and it's the same format as the first with different sentences, but are there different words? Perhaps. We shall see.